Asia Farm Animal Day 2024
Hanoi, Viet Nam | October 9-11th
AFAD 2024 in Hanoi brought together passionate advocates from across Asia to collaborate, innovate, and drive meaningful change for farmed animals. With thought-provoking sessions, inspiring discussions, and impactful networking, the event highlighted the incredible progress being made in animal advocacy across the region. Curious to learn more about the highlights and key takeaways? Read the full reflection on our blog.
AFAD 2024 Program
AFAD 2024 Speakers

Aditya S.K
Animal Ethics

Amelie Zhu
China Vegan Society

Brinda Poojary

Cindy Hughes
We Animals

Dave Neale
Animals Asia Foundation

Dr. Debajyoti Chatterjee

Fiolita Berandhini
Animals Don’t Speak Human

Gulbike Mirzaoglu

Heidi Caguioa
Animal Kingdom Foundation

Jacques-Chai Chomthongdi
PlantWorks (working title)

Jayasimha Nuggehalli
Global Food Partners

Jeronimo Ezquer
VegeProject Japan

Kaho Nishibu
Animal Alliance Asia

Kate Blaszak
Asia Research & Engagement

Khesveny Nyanaguru
Animal Law MSL Candidate

Lucas Alvarenga
Mercy For Animals

Namrata Das

Prashanth Vishwanath

Rithika Ramesh
Generation Vegan

Sandeep Reddy
India Animal Fund

Shirley Lu
ProVeg International

Siriyada Chongchuwanich
Sinergia Animal

Stef Dela Cruz
Animal Alliance Asia

Thanh Nguyen
Asia for Animals Coalition

Varda Mehrotra

Vivek Rachuri
Fish Welfare Initiative

Altamush Saeed
Charity Doings Foundation Pakistan

Aneeha Patwardhan
Nonprofit Operations Consultant

Brooke Haggerty

Dani Wang

Davina Goh
Plant-Based Lifestyle Advocate

Farah Ayu Fadhila
Sinergia Animal

Flavia D'Erasmo
AVA International

Hang Le
Humane Society International

Herdiana Putri Ayuningtyas
Animal Friends Jogja

Jah Ying Chung
Good Growth

Jeff Zhou
Compassion in World Farming

Jessika Ava
Thrive Philanthropy

Kalidevan Murugaya
ChefDave VeganJourney

Kawano Haruko
VegeProject Japan

Krista Hiddema
Karuna Foundation & Vegan Grants

Maho Uehara
Animal Welfare Corporate Partners Japan

Nanda Rais
Animal Friends Jogja

Rainer Kravets
Animal Policy International
Roxie (Haoting) Chia
Animal Alliance Asia

Scott Green

Shreya Padukone
Aneeha Patwardhan Consulting

Son Pham
Dharma Voices for Animals

Teja Sangeetha
Fish Welfare Initiative

Thi-Mai Trinh
The Civet Project

Venerable Thich Thanh Huan
Dharma Voices for Animals

Wichayapat Piromsan
Madre Brava

Angel Flores
World Animal Protection

Bharati Ramachandran
Federation of Indian Animal Protection Organisations

Cara Wilcox
Universitas Padjadjaran

Dave Luo
Asia Research & Engagement

Dawn Kotuwage
Act Asia

Fatma Sueda Evirgen

Giang Nguyen

Harshdeep Singh
Open Philanthropy

Hetal Sheth
Curry n Pepper (H and N)

James Hoot
Fauna Films

Jenna Riedi

Jo-Anne McArthur
We Animals

Karthik Pulugurtha
Fish Welfare Initiative

Kevin Xia

Kyle Behrend

Michael Gagné
Mercy For Animals

Phong Vuong Tuan
GAIA Pet Care Group

Rg Enriquez-Diez
Astig Vegan

Ryuji Chua
Vegan Hacktivists

Sebastian Joy
ProVeg International

Shweta Sood
Mercy For Animals

Sreyoshee Sengupta

Thai Costa
Sinergia Animal

Udit Raj Sharma
UPES Dehradun

Vince Cinches
World Animal Protection

Zoë Sigle
Farmed Animal Funders