(Please scroll down the read the Japanese version below/ 下にスクロールして以下の日本語版をお読みください。)
Last weekend, on February 3, 2024, the Asia for Animals' Farm Animal Coalition (FAC) collaborated with two local organizations in Japan, Better Life for Farm Animals Japan and Animal Welfare Corporate Partners, to host a groundbreaking symposium on farm animals in the country. This online event drew the participation of more than 50 individuals from non-governmental, non-profit, and corporate organizations. The Regional Event provided a platform for 10 speakers representing animal welfare, environmental protection, veterinary, animal rights institutions, and researchers to present their work and establish valuable connections through the event and the subsequent in-person networking dinner session in Tokyo.

Key Takeaways
Even though the Japanese agricultural sector accounts for around one percent of the country's GDP, intensive farming is common in the island nation. As is the case wherever they are farmed intensively, animals suffer monumentally.
This event played a vital role in identifying the organizations and individuals actively involved in minimizing the adverse impact of intensive farming on animals, humans, and the environment in Japan. It provided a platform for participants to showcase their ongoing efforts, discuss their areas of focus, and share their vision for a more sustainable and compassionate future.

Through the online session and networking opportunities, the event facilitated the exploration of common ground among participants. It allowed them to identify shared goals, overlapping interests, and potential areas for collaboration. By bringing together diverse stakeholders from non-governmental, non-profit, and corporate organizations, the event fostered a sense of unity and collective purpose.
Participants had the opportunity to learn about the scope of work undertaken by different organizations and individuals. This knowledge exchange helped to create a broader understanding of the various approaches and strategies being employed to address the aversive impacts on animals, humans, and the environment. It also sparked conversations about the potential for synergistic collaborations that could amplify impact and accelerate progress.

In summary
By highlighting areas of common ground, the Regional Event encouraged participants to explore partnerships and cooperative initiatives.
2024年2月3日、アジアフォーアニマルのファームアニマル連合(FAC)は、日本の2つの現地団体、Better Life for Farm Animal Japan, アニマルウェルフェア・コーポレート・パートナーズ(AWCP)と協力し、日本におけるファームアニマルに関する画期的なシンポジウムを開催しました。このオンラインイベントには、非政府組織、非営利団体、企業などから50名以上が参加しました。この地域イベントでは、動物福祉、環境保護、獣医学、動物擁護団体、研究者を代表する10名のスピーカーがそれぞれの活動を発表し、イベントとそれに続く東京でのネットワーキング・ディナー・セッションを通じて貴重なつながりを築く場を提供しました。
"...これは、多くの新しい団体を知る機会であり、また、いつも耳にはしていたが、個人的には会ったことのない多くの団体を知る機会でもあった。私たちにとって素晴らしい機会であり、刺激になりました。" - ジェロニモ・エズケル、ベジプロジェクト・ジャパン
-高野雅、 Think about Animal welfare of Farm animals (TAF)
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